Transform Your Team's Training with Streamlined Digital Instructions.


Knidal enables your learning and development teams to create custom content, modules and knowledge easily, and share wherever required.

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Built to Make Your Teams Efficient from Day 1

Be it frontline, corporate or remote, Knidal improves your training programs drastically.

Product Documentation

Knidal ensures streamlined handling of product documentation, user manuals, andrelated content.

Scalable Frontline Training

Access product documentation and essential information without internet connectivity, aiding front-line staff.

Accessible On-the-Job Training

Cut training time and costs by providing on-the-job training that is accessible bothonline and offline.

Easy Knowledge Sharing

Create and update user-friendly instructions and checklists, enhancing training experiences.

Optimized Production Performance

Create branded mobile apps for easier content consumption for both your teams andcustomers.

Customer Testimonials


"With Knidal, we've witnessed a remarkable reduction in onboarding time and asignificant improvement in the efficiency of our training programs. It's a game-changer for us!"

Catherine M
Learning and Development Manager

Equipped with Tools to Make Your Programs Better

Use Knidal to effectively improve your training.

Standardize Operating Procedures

Knidal allows you to streamline and standardize operational processes, reducing complexities.

Tailored Course Templates

Craft engaging courses with department-specific templates designed for today's working professionals.

Knowledge Check Assessments

Evaluate learner progress by creating assessments and gain valuable insights through learner analytics.

On-Demand Learning

Set up approval workflows for managerial inputs, ensuring accuracy and adherence to standards.

Centralized Repositories

Reduce manual tasks with centralized repositories, allowing efficient collaboration and content management.

Standardized Work Procedures

Implement straightforward SOP management for process improvement and error reduction.

QR Code Accessibility

Access training materials and procedures through QR codes, direct links, or embed them in existing systems.

Reduce Training Times and Improve Employee Quality with Knidal

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Customer Experience

Knidal's ability to help create omnichannel experience can reduce your tickets and leave customers with clear knowledge of your products.

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Operational Excellence

Knidal's powerful knowledge base helps your operations team execute their tasks faster without errors and deliver results in time.

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