Seamless Knowledge Transfer

For Effective





Knidal ensures right knowledge reaches the right person at the right time for continued success in your operations

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Help Your Teams Execute Faster with The Right Tool

Effortlessly Create, Curate & Communicate Critical Knowledge


Make Knowledge Available Everywhere

Web, Mobile, Tablet, Infotainment – Knidal lets you distribute your content wherever your team needs it.

Educate Your Team with Interactive Guides

Video, Audio, Image, Gifs & more – Make troubleshooting, problem solving, and content consumption seamless.

Precisely Locate the Knowledge You Need

Knidal employs advanced search algorithms to give your team the right info at the right time.

24X7 Knowledge Access, With or Without Internet

Knidal’s advanced data storage ensures your content is available in the most remote areas of the world.

Put Knowledge in Your Team’s Pockets

Build custom apps so your team can access necessary documentation on-the-go. Available on: Play Store & App Store.

Effectively Monitor & Control Your Knowledge Access

With Knidal’s Access Control, you get to decide who, when, and how your end users can access the knowledge.

Chat & Get Answers to Your Questions Instantly

Enhance your troubleshooting by finding the right answers with our AI chatbot.

API-First Platform

Easily Import Your Existing Content into Knidal


Knidal's content ingestion seamlessly complements your existing systems, ensuring quick content import and app deployment for enhanced user experiences.

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Solutions for Every Team



Scale your daily operations with the right knowledge.

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Deliver unforgettable experiences to your end users.

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Effectively train your teams and reduce training times.

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Trusted by people


In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document.

Lloyd Rayner

Head of Marketing

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document.

Lloyd Rayner

Head of Marketing

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document.

Lloyd Rayner

Head of Marketing